When you are starting or even running a business there is a lot that you have to do. You need to make sure you have a product or a service that the public wants. Make sure that it is priced so you can make money and of course have the right staff. Some areas of business are not something that you want to take on in house and often times are outsourced to a professional. You probably don’t do the regular maintenance on the building or polish the floors. That is why you should also hire a professional to do your accounting. When it comes to accounting your money is in the end the most important aspect and needs to be cared for properly. An accounting service has many things that are available to you to help run your business. Mark Dicus & Company outlines what different business accounting services you can consider.
Importance of Bookkeeping
One of the most common requests that an accounting firm gets from small businesses is in regards to bookkeeping. This is a services that is offered and means that they are ensuring that your financial information is updated into some type of software. This is a lot of putting the numbers in the right spot so that you are getting an accurate accounting on how much is coming in and how much is going out. It is necessary to know if you are making money and where you might be overspending.
Tax Accountant
If you are running a business in the United States you have to make sure that you are up to date on the latest tax laws. They are changing often enough that if you are not taking time to understand them you might miss them all together. The business that you are running has several areas of taxes that they have to file for and potentially pay. This is why hiring a tax accountant is a great way to utilize your accounting services. They understand the laws and know what to file and when. They work with the IRS to make sure that you are not going to end up in some scheme later down the road. They will often prepare all the documents and make sure that you receive them with instructions on how to file or what other things might be needed.
Accounting Auditing
If you thought that you could do all your own accounting or you hired someone that was not well qualified you may be in need of an audit. This is a process that a professional that has a strict focus can help you with. Audit is not always something that the IRS puts you through but can be something that a business puts itself through. This can lead to finding a problem in the accounting that was done or locating money that is not being used the way that it was intended. They also are a great tool to ensure that you don’t ever get that pesky IRS audit and if you do you will be prepared.
Bookkeeping, Accounting, Taxes & More in & Everett, Bellevue, Kirkland, Renton, Kent, Tacoma & Seattle, Washington
Mark Dicus & Company can make sure that your business accounting services are taken care of including new business consulting. Call us today to meet with one of our expert accountants.