Handling your money with wisdom can seem like a full time job. Making smart choices with your money can have a big impact on your long term wealth. Some decisions you make may seem like they are inconsequential when in reality, they may be keeping you from achieving wealth in the long run. Mark Dicus & Company is here to discuss wealth building strategies if long term wealth is your end goal.
Live Debt-Free
We live in a world that makes it easy to get what you want with unlimited financing options to help you do it. This is tempting to everyone. The number one thing you can do to help yourself achieve long term wealth is to come up with a debt payoff plan and strictly follow it. This means, getting yourself in a position that you are completely debt free. When you don’t owe others money, that money you work so hard for stays in your pocket.
Avoid Common Investment Mistakes
One of the best ways to build up long term debt is to start investing, the earlier the better. This is something that you will have to be working at constantly to ensure your investments are diversified and they aren’t more risk that your time line allows. You may invest your money is riskier accounts at the beginning of your career and as time goes on, move that money to accounts that are low risk to protect the money you have invested. This is best done with the help of professionals who have a clear understanding of how to safely invest your money.
Tax Planning Strategies
Everyone knows that we must pay taxes. It’s part of life, unfortunately. The key to doing this wisely is to work with your accountant to come up with a tax strategy that has you paying as little as is legally possible. With the right professional help, you can avoid paying more money in taxes than is needed and you can put that money in investments that will help you build your wealth.
Plan for Retirement
Most people work their whole lives with an endgame in place. The goal is always to be able to survive without the need for a paycheck to do so. Many careers make it easy to plan for this with a 401(K), IRA, 403(b) or other retirement plans set it place. If your company will match your contributions up to a certain dollar amount, you should at least put in that much money each paycheck. These retirement contributions will lower the amount of money that can be taxed from your paycheck as well.
Tax Preparation, Filing, Planning & More in Salt Lake City, St. George, West Valley City, Provo, Orem, West Jordan & Greater Cedar City, Utah
If you need some guidance as to how to achieve long term wealth, you can rely on Mark Dicus & Company to help you get there. We have a team of certified accountants that will crunch the numbers for you. Call us today!