If you are self-employed, you know that there are several hurdles that you are constantly jumping over to be successful. It isn’t for the faint at heart, that’s for sure. However, being self-employed can be extremely rewarding as well. One of the ways that you can make it a more profitable endeavor for yourself is to take advantage of some tax saving tips. Mark Dicus & Company is here to share some money saving tax tips to help those self-employed taxpayers out.
Work Expenses & Fees
You are going to want to think big for this one. You need to truly consider what it takes to run your business. Not only are you going to be thinking about the equipment that you need for your business to be successful, but you will also want to think about other expenses that you have including media costs and fees, banking fees, payroll software expenses and more. All of these costs can be deducted from your taxes and save you money.
Home Office Costs
If you are lucky enough to run your business from your home, you need to consider that for your taxes as well. If you are using a space in your home for your office and nothing else, you can deduct part of your home’s expenses from your taxes as well. You need to make sure you are only using that space for your office purposes though. You can also write off some of your utility bills and your homeowner’s insurance since your office is located inside your home.
Travel & Education Expenses
There are surely some ways that you have to further your education to stay current in your field. If this is the case, any of the costs that you accrue in this endeavor can be deducted as well. If you have to travel to do it, you can deduct that from your taxes as well. Make sure the travel is only business related or you could end up getting in trouble with that one though.
Software & Hardware Expenses
If you had to buy any equipment to keep your business going, it can be a tax deduction that will save you money as well. Say you bought a computer for your business, or you needed a new printer, the cost of those items can be a write-off for your business. If you had to update the software programs on your computer this past year for your business, that can also be a deduction on your taxes.
Tax Preparation, Filing, Planning & More in Salt Lake City, St. George, West Valley City, Provo, Orem, West Jordan & Greater Cedar City, Utah
If you are self-employed, your taxes are going to be much more involved than the average tax return. At Mark Dicus & Company, we know exactly what you can and cannot write off on your tax return. We will help you file your taxes so that you save the maximum amount of money. Call us today!