We provide scalable accounting services for businesses of all sizes. Call us today for a free consultation to find out how we can help. Mark Dicus and Company is you premier choice for Accounting services whether you are here locally in the Las Vegas area or anywhere in the world. If you are looking for an experienced US based firm, then look no further.


We provide a comprehensive range of services in the areas of financial management, operations, risk management, strategy and technology. We offer a customized approach to our services that's based on your needs. Additional business services include: Bookkeeping, CFO Services, Cash Flow Management, Strategic Business Planning, Tax Strategies, and more.


We can assist in managing and minimizing all aspects of our client's tax liability, including, but not limited to, Federal, State and transfer taxes. Advance planning results in substantial benefits and allows time for developing alternative tax strategies. We also provide businesses period-end closing, financial statement preparation and budgeting on scheduled.

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why Does My Small Business Need Bookkeeping Services in Saratoga Springs, UT? Help with Tax Compliance & More

When it comes to business, bookkeeping is the art of systematically organizing and recording all the financial transactions. Bookkeeping keeps the relevant financial information correct comprehensive and up to date. Small businesses may need professional bookkeeping services at certain stages of their operations. There are some stages down the line where it is more pertinent,…

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How are Tax Brackets Calculated in North Las Vegas, NV? Is it Better to Be at the Top or Bottom of a Bracket?

While many people are aware that we have different tax brackets in our country, they aren’t completely sure how they work. In the United States, we have a progressive tax system that uses tax brackets. When you hear the word progressive, you may think about liberal thinking and ideals. It isn’t the case when it…

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What is Capital Gains Tax in Kearns, UT? Is it Based on Ordinary or Adjusted Income? How Do These Taxes Work?

There are two ways that the IRS categorizes your taxes, ordinary and capital gains. These two types of taxes are incredibly different from one another and it is important that you understand what each of them are. Getting a good understanding of these two types of taxes can help you prepare appropriately for tax season.…

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How Claiming a Dependent Can Reduce Your Taxes in Roy, UT; Child Tax Credit, Health Insurance Premium Deduction & More

If you are like most people, your children are your pride and joy. While you can claim more than just your child as a dependent, children are usually the dependents that parents are claiming on their taxes. There are a number of different ways that claiming a dependent can help lower your taxes every year…

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