We provide scalable accounting services for businesses of all sizes. Call us today for a free consultation to find out how we can help. Mark Dicus and Company is you premier choice for Accounting services whether you are here locally in the Las Vegas area or anywhere in the world. If you are looking for an experienced US based firm, then look no further.


We provide a comprehensive range of services in the areas of financial management, operations, risk management, strategy and technology. We offer a customized approach to our services that's based on your needs. Additional business services include: Bookkeeping, CFO Services, Cash Flow Management, Strategic Business Planning, Tax Strategies, and more.


We can assist in managing and minimizing all aspects of our client's tax liability, including, but not limited to, Federal, State and transfer taxes. Advance planning results in substantial benefits and allows time for developing alternative tax strategies. We also provide businesses period-end closing, financial statement preparation and budgeting on scheduled.

What Information Does a Business Need to File Taxes in Taylorsville, UT? Employer Identification Number & More

Small business taxes are something that every small business owner faces. Preparing for them can seem like an overwhelming task when you’re doing it on your own. This is important and can have large ramifications if it isn’t done correctly or if you miss deadlines. Preparing yourself is important as it includes gathering and saving documents that are necessary for filing small business taxes. Mark Dicus & Company is here to talk about the documents that you need to have ready when you’re getting ready to file taxes for your small business.

Basic Tax Information to File for Your Small Business

Whether you file your taxes for your small business using a Schedule C in conjunction with your Form 1040 or you file your personal taxes and your business taxes separately, you are going to need to following information to do it:
– Prior Tax Return: When you’re working with a new accountant, you are going to need to provide the tax return information from the previous year.
– Social Security Information: The full names of yourself, your spouse and dependents as they appear on your social security cards, along with your social security numbers will be needed.
– Addresses: You will need both your home and the address of your business. The only time that a P.O. Box is appropriate is when USPS can’t deliver to your address.
– Employer Identification Number: Some businesses have a separate EIN which your accountant is going to need.

Income Records Needed

To file your small business taxes, you are also going to be required to have income records ready. This includes W-2s and 1099s, business financial statements, and any cryptocurrency transactions that might have been received, bought or sold.

Financial Statements Needed

There are also going to be basic financial statements that are required when you’re filing your small business taxes:
– Income Statement
– Balance Sheet
– Cash Flow Statement

Don’t Forget Deductions

Something that all small business owners should be taking advantage of are the deductions that are available to them. The deductions for a small business can be extensive and might include:
– Mileage Logs
– Asset Purchase Details
– Payroll Records
– Home Office
– Itemized Deductions
– Self-Insured Health Insurance Premiums
– Dependent Care Expenses
– Retirement Plan Contributions
– Education Expenses

Financial Records Needed

There are likely going to be some financial records that are needed to file as well. Here are some things that might include:
– Loan Information
– Asset Information
– Deductible Information
– Estimated Tax Records

Tax Preparation, Filing, Planning & More in Salt Lake City, St. George, West Valley City, Provo, Orem, West Jordan & Greater Cedar City, Utah

When you’re filing taxes for your small business, there is a lot of information that is required to do it accurately. At Mark Dicus & Company, we will help ensure your taxes are filed properly so that you can take advantage of any tax breaks that might be available to you. Call us today!

Accounting, Consulting & Tax Services in Greater Las Vegas NV, Cedar City UT, Seattle WA, San Francisco CA, Milwaukee WI & More